Panorama Bar 06 | Ryan Elliott

Photo by Paola Beck.

Photo by Paola Beck.

What have you been up to?

Oh, you know, the usual. Family life, moving house, moving studios. Some reading and writing, maths and geography, science and arts, but always and mainly music.

I see you’ve been playing a few gigs with your old pal Linkwood lately, what do those sets usually consist of when you two get together, and who usually wins?

Usually if I’m doing a back to back type thing with the likes of Linkwood, or House of Traps (another frequent sparring partner) we’ll take half an hour each for starters if we have time, then go head to head. I’ll try and put them off by selecting better records, or pulling out tighter ‘blends’, or maybe even bringing along a synth to baffle them with distracting frequencies. Quite often they’ll counter with exotic rarities (H.O.T’s) or their own productions (Linkwood) which I can’t compete with, frankly. Who wins is for the dancers to decide.


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